Polynomials are a classical subject of mathematics. The first steps
towards the abstract concept of a polynomial were the investigation of
algebraic equations and the theory of real and complex functions
the form
notions of a field and ring at the beginning of this century subsequently
brought about the development of the abstract concept of a polynomial
over a commutative ring with identity. While polynomials over the fields
of real or complex numbers play an important r61e in analysis and numerical
mathematics, the algebraic properties of polynomials have also
been a research object for a great number of papers and under various
different points of view.
There are, however, features in the algebraic theory of classical polynomials
that have been treated inseveral papers to some extent, but so
far have not been given a coherent representation. Among all these
aspects we think the most important ones to be the connection between
polynomials and polynomial functions and the properties of polynomial
functions. In particular, the so-called permutation polynomials over finite
fields (i.e. polynomials which represent permutations) have suggested
plenty of interesting algebraic and number-theoretical investigations.
Moreover we think that an important and interesting part of the theory
consists of the composition of polynomials. Questions concerning the
decomposition of polynomials into indecomposable factors, permutable
polynomials, or congruences which are compatible with the composition
operation, have been tackled by various authors.
It may appear somewhat strange that polynomials over commutative
rings with identity have been dealt with quite extensively while polynomials
Over other classes of algebraic structures, such as groups, semigroups,
lattices etc. have been given little attention. Those papers on polynomials
Over classes other than rings, fields, and maybe Boolean algebras, are
Scarce and scattered, and so far not even a general agreement on basic
definitions has been achieved. The first author who has endeavoured to
f off ( x ) = a,$+. . . +alx+ao. The introduction of the abstract1X
Los Polinomios, de gran importancia en las matematicas. ""